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Your FREE Discovery Call

If you are interested in exploring whether medical cannabis can help you, but don’t know where to start or have reservations, then our free discovery call will help. Speak to a uniquely trained nurse who can help you understand how and why cannabinoids work and whether it is something that could help you.
Entirely free with no obligations, pick up the phone to our nurses now and get started on your personalized wellness journey.
Service Offerings

Discovery <br/>Call

Triage & Clarity
$0/ 5 minutes
  • Understand general benefits of cannabis as medicine
  • Understand our products & their general usage
  • Improved understanding of medical cannabis

Follow Up <br/>Consultation

Returning Patients Only
$25/ 15 minutes
  • Review the effectiveness of your care plan
  • Training & guidance to optimize your care plan results
  • Improved wellness

Nurse <br/>Consultation

Mini Consultation
  • Matching cannabinoids & your personalized needs
  • Guidance on suitable products for your needs
  • Initial consult to understand potential benefits

Nurse <br/>Consultation

Full Service Appointment
$149/ 60 minutes
  • In depth consultation addressing cannabis & your needs
  • Guidance on suitable products for your needs
  • Training & guidance on their effective use to optimize results 
  • Detailed understanding of what to use & how to use it

Schedule a Dedicated Consultation

Book a consultation with one of our certified holistic nurses to optimize your use of cannabinoids to treat your symptoms. Our nurses will understand your personal situation and circumstances, guide you on the appropriate products to take and help you maximize efficacy by coaching you through your personalized care plan.

In a 20 minute call we can focus on understanding your unique needs and guiding you to the right products to treat your symptoms so you can get started on your wellness journey.

In a 1 hour call, we will also develop a personalized care plan and give guidance and advice to optimize your results.

What is a Cannabis Nurse?

Cannabis Nursing is an exciting field that enables nurses to use their skills & knowledge to help improve the quality of life for patients with chronic conditions. By gathering evidence-based information and incorporating it into practice, Cannabis Nurses can provide holistic, patient-centered care that meets the unique needs of each individual. Through this approach, Cannabis Nurses are making a difference – whether it’s helping to manage chronic pain, reduce stress and anxiety levels, or improve sleep patterns.

Additionally, Cannabis Nurses are well-positioned to help patients create care plans that account for multiple factors including physical and mental health, lifestyle habits, and environmental impacts on health; and respect life choices regarding living arrangements or end-of-life care.
By providing personalized, knowledgeable care and education, Cannabis Nurses are empowering their patients to make informed decisions about the use of cannabis for health & wellness.

More people are choosing natural alternatives including medical cannabis which means now more than ever is the right time to recognize the importance of Cannabis Nurses and how they are helping to improve our healthcare system and patient outcomes.

Our Clinicians

Dr. Adam Abodeely


Dr. Erick Kaufman

Cannabis Doctor

Dr. Joe Smith

Cannabis Doctor

Wendy Weed


Carrie Cannabis


Mary Jane Smith


Self questionnaire

If you answer YES to any of these questions, consider booking a longer appointment.

Do you take medications on a daily basis?

Do you have diabetes? cancer?  parkinsons?  alzheimer's? epilepsy?  autism? autoimmune conditions? a mental health disorder?

Do you care for a juvenile or adult that has complex needs?

Do you want a detailed personalized care plan
to help you pursue
body mind spirit wholeness?