




Migraine is a throbbing headache pain, pulsing sensations, usually on one side of the head. They can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities.


Migraines plague about 15% of the population, affecting 1 billion people globally. Women are more affected than men because of hormonal issues. Inflammatory changes to the head create spasms of relaxation and contraction of the vessels.


Traditional treatment includes NSAIDS like Motrin or Aleve, Excedrin which combines aspirin and caffeine, and Triptans such as Immitrex which cause rebound headaches. Sufferers of migraines spend a lot of time lying down in a cold, dark, quiet room.


  • Extreme pain in the head which is usually one sided can induce nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sounds, flashes of light (called auras) signaling the migraine's arrival
  • Craving for chocolate,
  • Aversion to noise
  • Sudden mood shifts to depression, anxiety, or elation

How Cannabis Can Help

THC and Anandamide activate CB1 to balance the inflammatory changes and regulate serotonin and dopamine. How cannabinoids work to battle migraine is unknown, but anandamide deficiency is a culprit. One can use THC directly for pain, and routine CBD dosing will inhibit FAAH enzyme activity, and that can boost endogenous levels of anandamide. CBD boosts serotonin levels through 5HT activation calming pain and anxiety.

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Migraine & Cannabis
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